ALANDA is the online store that represents high quality products. The basic idea is to make the genuine luxury available. The market is fed up with well-known brands that stopped to be interesting. Product quality has become the last item in their characteristics, having lost behind well-known labels and numerous imitations of them. So stereotypes sometimes do not allow to face the truth.
The aim of our project is to join the best craftsmen in the field of luxury products by means of selection and years of experience. The luxury is both the unicity and the idea that professionally embodied to the last stitch. We implement the client's wish not to overpay for the brand, but make an investment into the true quality.
The Shop offers a wide range of unique products such as: bags, accessories, shoes, genuine exotic leather clothes (alligator, snake Karunki, caiman, crocodile, seal, python, ostrich, lizard). You can buy products cut and dried or make to order.
Some of our partners are russian companies. Having rejected the affirmations, inspired by Western advertising, we sincerely recognized that it is they who aspire to the ideal. They find a compromise between design, form and the usage of first class materials.
We are happy to give you the direct access to the goods orienting on luxury instead of mass and fame. Not everyone can appreciate what we offer, like not everyone can distinguish between the work of art and the simple picture.